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Galen Porter Music
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"All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God! Thank him to His face! He gets angry once in a while but across a lifetime there is only love. The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter."  - Psalm 30: 4-5 (The Message)


Born in the quaint, quiet Cape Cod town of Wareham, Massachusetts, Galen Porter found solace and purpose within music quite naturally. He would spend hours locked away in his room strumming his acoustic guitar, discovering new inspiration, his own, unique "style", and most importantly; the realness of God. Never being one to follow the "status quo", he discovered early on what his desire and calling was; to share the raw, unpolished truth and hope that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with any and all who would be willing to listen. Although, as he will tell you, it wasn't easy getting to that place. "I always wanted to do something, to be a part of something bigger than myself. To bring change to a world that just wasn't getting it right at all. But, unbeknownst to me at the time, that would require quite a bit of surrender and humility." Long before this purpose could ever be achieved, Galen had to go through his own desert seasons; times of being tried, pressed, and nearly broken. "There were more than a few times where I was challenged in my faith, where everything around me seemed to shout in opposition to God's Word."  

But, as difficult as it was, he will tell you "This was all in God's perfect plan, to raise up a testimony and to show me that even when things are bleakest, and there seems to be no way out, there is ALWAYS hope." So, as you could imagine, that's where the idea for this album came from. We all have moments in the dark, where the light seems faint and far away. Moments where faith seems overwhelmed by doubt, where love gets trampled by disdain, and where it's hard to see the other side. "But, if it's one thing I've learned, there is always sun shining above the clouds, the smallest flame will shine even in the darkest night, a little faith can raze a mountain to the ground and love, true love, is stronger than the power of the grave."


"So, I suppose the one thing I want listeners to take away from this record, is that even when things SEEM lost, all is NOT lost. Each of us must dare to believe in God and take Him at His Word - especially in the hard times. After all, if we will just keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, our Hope and Stay, our Messiah and Savior, He is faithful to bring us through to the other side. Much like Apostle Peter, we all get sifted, or like Job, we all get pressed, or like Jesus himself, we all get tested. What makes all the difference is how we respond to the testing, the pressing, and the trials; trusting in the One who makes us able to bear up under our burdens."  


Be on the lookout for Galen Porter's upcoming debut record "Dare To Believe", coming soon to Apple Music, Spotify, & iTunes!

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JUN 24

Fire Escape Coffeehouse

Weymouth, MA

AUG 25

3rd Floor Coffeehouse

Fitchburg, MA

OCT 27

Cafe at the Mill

Millbury, MA

NOV 25

Fire Escape Coffeehouse

Weymouth, MA


SEP 27

3rd Floor Coffeehouse

Fitchburg, MA

More Events coming this year! Be sure to check back soon!

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If you would like to book Galen Porter for an upcoming event, please fill out the form below with all required information. We'll be in touch!

Thank you for your submission!

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