…Your faith.
…Your family.
…Your marriage.
…Your potential.
…Your future.
God has so much in store for you! It might not seem like it at times but I promise you, He does. Don’t allow a temporary job, bad circumstances, hurting relationships, imperfect people, your past, or anything else hinder you from putting your best foot forward in every area of your life. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible. And often times, it’s the hard things in life that create within us the very character that God desires for us to have.
So, I encourage you to strive after the dreams God has placed in your heart. Do the difficult thing and go above and beyond in your work even if it’s not your dream job. Love even when it’s not reciprocated back to you. Believe for a brighter future even when you feel stuck in your present circumstance. And above all else, keep your faith in God, who has the ability to turn every situation around for your good. All throughout God’s Word, we see time after time where it looked like things wouldn’t get any better and then suddenly everything changed. Look at Abraham, Moses, Elijah, the man who was born blind, the paralytic; their examples were recorded so we would know that “all things are possible with God” (see Matthew 19:26).
It’s like my Papa used to say, “you’re only limited by your desire to succeed”. So, keep going and don’t give up!